Wednesday, 20 April 2016


Bank Pensioners from India has various demands to be materialized. There is no active response from IBA or Govt Of India, Ministry of Finance regarding settlement of demands by the bank pensioner. It is an eye wash, if we read the circular issued by IBA. The demands listed by various bank retiree federations and associations are briefly as under:

  1. Updation of Pension along with wage revision of in service employees,(It is a very long
      time demand of bank pensioner)
  2.  Uniform D.A. neutralization,
  3. Improvement in commutation,
  4. Family Pension,
  5. Ex-Gratia of pre – 1986 retirees

A Letter from IBA on retiree issues has been received by AIBRF (All India Bank Retirees Federation ) with regard to 100% D A neutralization to pre-2002 retirees, family pension increase from 1.5.2005, updation of basic pension, pension option to all the left retirees including compulsorily retired employees and resignees, etc.

To work out all this, IBA is collecting data / information ( latest information) from all public sector banks, as there is a provisional requirement as per AS-15(R) in this regard. This is all because the process is suggested by the actuary to assess the load factor which in turn will know whether the banks can afford the load or not.

On compilation of data/information received from the banks and after assessing the cost factor as well as provisioning requirement as per actuarial calculation, the same will be put up to the Managing Committee of IBA for deliberation and further course of action.

How many years this exercise will be done? How much time IBA wants to do all this. How many survived bank pensioners will take the benefit? 

Next settlement is due in November 2017. By that time if the exercise is completed and the demands are met, it will give a great satisfaction to all the bank penisioners who are living on this hope.

From this platform I request IBA to speed up the process and ensure that before the next settlement date this exercise will conclude and all bank penisioners will enjoy the fruits that are only a day dream as on date.